Wednesday, June 3, 2009


*Disclaimer* We tried to post this earlier this afternoon when it was actually happening, but shockingly, there was scatty internet.....


Ok! So we're in San Jon New Mexico and we had an incident. And by incident I mean we had somewhat of a nervous breakdown. I was driving and driving and basically got down to 55 miles left in my tank. And this is all right before we hit some flats that lasted til...well...we're still driving on them. But since I am blogging you can safely assume that we're OK. But here's the fun part. We got to a gas station and it had 90 89 and 87 octane. My car is 91 and up. But then we noticed a lil' piece of paper that said only 87 and diesel were available anyway. So we said "Oh crap" Got back on the highway, and tried to make it to the next exit to see if they had gas. Now for those of you reading who haven't made it out to these very inhabited areas of the mid-west, I have a secret for you...they aren't anyone...or animals, no shrubs higher than a foot, and least of all premium gas. Needless to say we took one look at the desert of nothingness that lay before us, made a "U-B", and prayed we could make it back to a gas station that had premium.

We got down to only 44 so it was ok, but we were nervous. We took video but since uploading a video out here in the middle of nowhere is near impossible we decided to bless you with some pictures.

After driving on 40 forever and a day we decided that there was no possibility of civilization, decent restaurants, and least of all...cops. Turns out cops are everywhere. Now, I say cops are everywhere because we passed 3 signs that said one thing and one thing only... "COPS ARE EVERYWHERE" I felt like taking one of those long dramatic looks around the terrain to prove to a seemingly non-existant audience that the sign was indeed wrong and in fact there were no cops anywhere.

Ok now we're really hungry...just passed some biker from PA...random. Also... we were thinking about eloping cuz it turns out Vegas is only 20 miles off the path. But then we thought no...our bloggers might not approve. *sigh* Well signing off in Santa Rosa, NM. Stay classy blog readers.


  1. Its ok to put a lower octane in nothing will happen its a lexus scam and you should of stopped at vegas. I would have been ok with it.

  2. wrong vegas but i would have been okay with it - mom

  3. Lauren, you can not elope without me there, because I would be very upset that I would be missing your "wedding". What theme would you have picked?
